Camp Onaway


Some of Onaway’s tried and true evening programs and instructions to Brown and White games are found here.

Capture the Flag

Brown and White Game: Capture the Flag. The boundaries are the edges of camp and the border runs right through the Center of Camp. Jails and Flags are hidden. There is no hiding in buildings. There have been heroic stories of crashing through the woods and losing sneakers in the swamp to free a jail or capture a flag.

Diamond Smugglers

Brown and White Game: Diamond Smugglers. Woodland Hall is turned into a 1930′s lounge- jazz music plays and silent counselors lounge about in glamourous costumes. One team of campers is Smugglers and one team is Police. Within the smugglers there are runners, smugglers, and decoys. It is the Smuggler team’s job to pass a diamond from a runner to a smuggler and then into home base without being arrested by a Policeman. There are many creative ways to do this: through a handshake, dance, or slipping into a pocket. Smugglers have been known to develop intricate code languages to communicate. When a Policeman makes an arrest, the suspect must go before the Judge. If a Decoy or a smuggler without a diamond has been arrested, the Police lose a point. If the Smuggler has a diamond, she must turn it in and a point is taken from her team. The team with the most diamonds at the end of the game wins, and then the teams switch roles.

The Gong Show

Cabin groups must entertain the audience for as long as they can without being gonged by the bored judges. The cabin group with the most time onstage wins.

All Camp Clue

Mr. Body has been found dead! Campers are split into teams of detectives and sent on a mission to find out who, where, and what weapon killed Mr. Body. Detectives gather clues from the suspects themselves around Camp by completing challenges and then piece together the clues to solve the mystery.

Alikes and Opposites

Campers get in pairs or triples and come up with costumes that are either alikes or opposites. Awards are given by a panel of judges (counselors) for creativity. Some examples of creative costumes we have seen are peas in a pod; pizza, cake, and ice cream; Barbie and Ken; bookworms and social butteflies.


*You’ll need paper bags and M&Ms.

  1. Assemble your group indoors, and divide into teams. At Camp, there would be as many as 10 to 12 teams, 7 to 8 girls to a team. Each team is given a paper bag, and one person must be chosen to carry the paper bag. Then each team is given an animal to imitate: cats, cows, dogs, donkeys, pigs, birds, bears, ducks, or any other you wish.
  2. While this is happening, have someone take the M&Ms and place them outdoors in piles–six to eight candies per pile.
  3. At the “Go!” command, everyone runs outdoors looking for M&Ms. The catch is that ONLY the person with the bag may pick up the candy. And, if a team member finds candy, the only way she may call the person with the bag is by making her group’s animal noise.
  4. The game ends when all the candy has been found. You may determine a winner if you wish, or not. Each team divides up the candy among team members.

The Blob

  1. The Blob begins innocently enough as an individual chasing others–just like a game of tag.
  2. When The Blob catches someone, she joins hands with her. Now they are both part of The Blob, and they both set out, hand in hand, in search of victims.
  3. Everyone The Blob touches joins hands with it (only The Blob’s outside hands can touch a new victim), and it becomes a lengthening protoplasmic chain. And thus The Blob keeps growing.
  4. The Blob can split once it reaches a certain size (determined by leader).
  5. The last person caught becomes the next Blob.

Bucket Brigade

*For this game you’ll need buckets and plastic cups.

  1. Divide your group into teams.
  2. Each team lines up between a bucket full of water and an empty bucket. Each person has a plastic cup.
  3. The object of the game is to transfer the water from one bucket to the other by pouring water from cup to cup to cup to cup down the line.
  4. The first team to get all the water to the empty bucket wins.

Note: This is a wet game.

Dragon’s Tail

* You’ll need a number of bright scarves or bandanas

  1. Divide your group into groups of six or seven girls.
  2. Have each group line up. Each girl holds the waist of the person in front of her. The first person in line is the head of the dragon, and the person at the end is the tail.
  3. The person in charge then tucks a bandanna in the back pocket of the girl at the end of each line.
  4. The object of the game is for the girl at the head of the line to grab a bandanna from the tail of another dragon.
  5. Once its bandanna is grabbed, a dragon is out. Play continues until only one dragon remains.

Sing Down

  1. Divide your group into teams and number each team. You’ll need a score keeper and a referee with nerves of steel.
  2. The referee picks a category–for example, colors, numbers, animals, nursery rhymes, boys names, girls names, Christmas songs, or musical instruments. The groups have 60 seconds to brainstorm songs that have the category in the title or the first line of the song. For example, if the category is “colors,” then “White Christmas” or “Yellow Submarine” would be possible answers.
  3. The referee goes around the room having each group SING a song in the designated category. A group is eliminated when it a) repeats a song that has already been sung or b) can’t think of a song to sing.
  4. One point is given to the last team left.
  5. The referee chooses another category . . .

Tag: Three Variations

Everybody’s It Tag:

This is a really quick game with just two rules–

  1. 1. Everybody is it.
  2. 2. When a player is tagged, she is frozen.

Hospital Tag:

  1. One or more people are it, depending on the size of the group.
  2. The 1st time a person is tagged, she has to keep one hand on the spot where she was tagged.
  3. The 2nd time she is tagged, her second hand goes on the second spot.
  4. The 3d time she is tagged, she is frozen.
  5. The last person frozen is the winner and “it” for the next game.

Freezer-Defroster Tag:

  1. One or more people are it, depending on the size of the group.
  2. When someone is tagged, she must freeze in a bent shape like a croquet wicket and stay that way until an untagged person crawls through.
  3. The last person frozen is the winner and “it” for the next game.